As shown by my lack of commitment to this blog, I think its obvious that I have a hard time following through on just about everything I attempt. I can't really explain why, I didn't have this same problem as a teenager/high school student, or even young adult. Maybe this is one of those things that can be blamed on having children. Who knows if it is true, but I am going to go with that for now.
In an attempt to rectify this I am going to once again try to create a household binder. I say once again because I did take a stab at one years ago when I stumbled across FlyLady but that just never worked out well for me. It was way too detailed and cleaning focused.
Some friends at Mama Drama seem to really like the files put together by Theresa at Little Turtle Knits so I figured I would give it a shot. I have completed the first step.... deciding to go through with it and purchase supplies. I probably went overboard on the supplies, but thats just how I roll. I do need to get some snazzy scrapbooking paper to decorate the outside of my magenta binder, but I figured that wasn't worth a trip to Joanns this morning.

Apologies for the somewhat bad photo, my camera's batteries ran out and I can't find the charger so the Blackberry is pulling double duty. Will update when binder creation mission is complete.