the danner family

blowing bubbles together since 2000

Jim and I worked in Willow's classroom at the preschool co-op together yesterday. I was hoping for some really messy stuff like gloop or slime or shaving cream painting, but Mrs. Johnson just gave us car painting and scarf dancing. Still entertaining, just not as much work for him as I was hoping for ;) A good time was had by all tho Willow was not too fond of sharing her dad with the rest of the class and I think he was exhausted afterward. I think that next year he is going to have to commit to working with me once a month....

Gardening - 2009

I have been a serious slacker in the gardening department lately.... but I am working on getting back on the ball! We are going to use it as part of Kyla's schooling so I guess I have no choice ;) Now if only I can convince her not to pick all the baby plants before they are ready! She was most excited to find a couple of mushrooms growing up out of the garden soil when we started planted.

We have our first baby green pepper! I planted 3 peppers, 1 green - 1 red - 1 yellow. We also planted some herbs (parsley, chives, oregano, basil, etc). Some of the herbs this year are from seeds so we will see how well they do.... I haven't had a ton of luck with planting from seed!

We have also planted some onions, carrots, honeydew melon, tomatoes, cucumber, lettuce, squash, and sunflowers. Still on the list to come are beans, strawberries, maybe pumpkin, and some more herbs. I have a ton more room now that Jim made me a second box (with more sunlight exposure) and I find myself unsure what I should put in it! More pics of the garden below!

A gift for me....

NecklaceNot like I need anymore gifts for myself, especially after splurging on the Oberon Roof of Heaven cover for my Kindle, but I ordered myself something I have wanted for a while and always put it off. A charm necklace with the girls names and birthstones. I even added a cute little heart for Jim's name.... just call me a mushy romantic ;) The seller was great and it arrived quickly.... so if you are in the market make sure to check out Sweet Peas Jewelry over on

About this blog

I'm a wife, mom, student, reader, and fanatical book blogger living in Las Vegas doing the best I can to eat and live responsibly.
