TI managed to miss blogging yesterday about gratitude, but in my defense I was a busy little bee. I spent most of the day cleaning, organizing, labeling. Kyla now has a sparkly clean room and I just need to get the photo labels printed for all her toy bins. I think I need to keep up on her and keep helping her keep her room clean, she is a much happier child when she has that area to escape to. This frustrates me to no end because she is the one who destroys her room.... but she deserves to have a clean space to play in and I understand its not in her nature. It certainly isn't in mine either.
Anyway, since finishing the massive Kyla Room Clean she has been extra careful to pick up the things she gets out and we came up with an interactive velcro "to do" board for her. I found the idea on the Meck Mom blog and so far she loves it! See the blog link for ready made files and photos!
All of this talk of Kyla brings me to my gratitude for the day. I am grateful for my loving girls. They often push my patience to its limit and challenge me to be a better parent, but when it comes down to it they love me as I do them.
We were in Best Buy last night, the girls were hating the trip to the store as much as I was. However, we desperately needed a new printer and I was determined to get one. We found what we were looking for and I let Jim know I would go pay, keep the girls busy and entertained. I made my way back to the computer area and checked out, it did take a bit of time(maybe 15 minutes). As I walked toward the front of the store I met up with Jim and the girls and Kyla had tears bubbling up in her eyes. We headed out the door and she hugged me and started crying and told me she was worried. Apparantly they had walked around the store, didn't see me and Kyla freaked out. She thought they had lost me and was truly concerned.
I jokingly thought to myself I needed to get lost more often. But really I think I need to be grateful for the challenging but sweet and caring daughters I have the privilege of raising and spending my days with.
Bodycount Vol.1
2 weeks ago
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