Things have been slowly growing in the garden. Most things are doing well, but I need to find some more veggies that we like because I have some unused space. I will have to plan better next time.
For now, the lettuce seems to be doing ok. My onion bulbs have not sprouted at all. The carrots are growing still. I just planted beans and they sprouted up quickly! My green pepper is doing far better than the red and the yellow. It has a full size pepper ready to harvest already. The crookneck squash is thriving. I can't wait to see it vining along the rocks. Vine plants are really turning out to be my favorite things to grow!
My basil and parsley are doing well... I have oregano sprouted. I still need to find some cilantro to plant tho. Something has eaten the marigolds I planted in front of the tomato plants... hopefully whatever it was, they are stuffed and will leave the tomato plants alone.
Kyla has been planting sunflower seeds like crazy so we have quite a few sprouting upward. This year I planted both a cucumber bush and a cumber vine... so far only the bush has sprouted and seems to be doing well. My honeydew is just now starting to grow a bit now that its warmer.
All very exciting, more pics below!
Bodycount Vol.1
2 weeks ago
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